この数日間、デンマークからやってきた友人 ユーリアと一緒に京都を旅していました(お店は母にお任せして)
ユーリアは、わたしがデンマーク留学中にお世話になった先生マチルダとともに Aggebo & Henriksen design というデザイン会社を運営しています。
Julie and I traveled in Kyoto these few days.
Julie Henkiksen works as a designer with Mathilde Aggebo in Denmark. I empathize fully with their approach to subjects. Of corse, I love their designs so much.
The first day she arrived in Kyoto, we walked around in the rain.
When we passed Bukko-ji Temple, we found beautiful cherry blossoms there.
Then actually, I was aware that there were many places I have not been to yet.
To be continued.