itori 大滝郁美さんから手織りの夏のハンカチが届きました。
These handkerchieves are handwoven and expressed color of summer by Ikumi Otaki, itori. She lives in Yamagata prefecture.
Umwelt では四季を通して itori のリネンハンカチをお取り扱いしています。春夏秋冬の色彩が織り込まれた布はいつ見ても美しく、わたしにも欠かせないものになっています。
Linen handkerchieves by itori are popular in Umwelt through a year. I also use them every day because they feel good to touch.
itori の布について大滝さんが添えてくださったお手紙より。
Weaver Ikumi Otaki introduces about her weaving below:
大滝 郁美
Jag fick mycket inspiration av gamla svenska textiler och traditioner när jag bodde i Dalarna. Att skapa med händerna gör mig lycklig, så jag hoppas verkligen att min väv också gör dig lycklig!
Kram, itori
Kram, itori
A photo from Yamagata
She drove to the laboratory in Tsuruoka city yesterday. Various types of vegetables and herb are cultivated to display the progenitor of the vegetables which are collected from both domestic and international in this greenhouse.